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About Samurai Projects

What is the goal of the Samurai Projects?

The Samurai Projects is a training course seeking to raise up the next generation of Bible teaching leaders. We are convinced that when the Bible is taught, God’s voice is heard. We want to train people to read, understand and proclaim the Bible faithfully and relevantly.

We aim to equip church members from a variety of Evangelical church backgrounds to understand how to read and apply the Bible to themselves. As well as being prepared to teach and train others in what they have learnt.

Our expectation is that as people begin to teach the Bible, some will sense God calling them to do this full time and so will apply to seminary to train as pastors and church planters. Others will go into other careers having been equipped to serve Jesus boldly in their homes, workplaces and local churches.  

Why does the Samurai Projects exist?

The Japanese church is facing an imminent leadership crisis. 48% of Japanese pastors are over 70. Already around 1 in 8 churches have no pastor.  We know that we don't have all the answers to this problem, but we long to partner with local churches to help address this challenge. 

Many churches are seeking to raise up the next generation of leaders but we recognise it is hard in the busy life of a church to focus on this. The Samurai Projects seeks to bring like-minded churches together so that we can pool our efforts and more effectively train future leaders.  

Who is the Samurai Projects for?

We are looking for those with a hunger to learn more of the Bible, and who are passionate about making Jesus known.  We want to train those who are eager to grow and learn rather than those who think they are finished!

We accept men and women with evangelical convictions from all Christian denominations but require the support of your local church pastor.


“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Jesus - Matthew 9:37-38

What is unique about the Samurai Projects?

We believe that giving people the opportunity to try out their gifts and to get experience of church ministry before going to seminary is a helpful step in working out whether to commit to serving full time in ministry. At the same time, we recognise those kind of opportunities aren't often readily available before making a commitment to full time gospel ministry. 


We provide a loving, gospel centred environment where it's okay to make mistakes and where together we will grow in love for Jesus and in the ability to teach his word.  


Our prayer

In partnership with many churches in Tokyo to see 20-40 full-time interns and 20-40 business people training in our evening course each year. We pray as they are trained up they will be faithful workers in God's harvest field.

We pray that from them some would go on to seminaries to train to be the next generation of church planters, pastors and missionaries; and that others would pursue their chosen career as courageous followers of Jesus, who have the words of the gospel on their lips.

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